
Botox Cosmetics


What is Xeomin?
Xeomin is an FDA approved botulinum toxin type A used to relax specific muscles. Much like its predecessors, (Botox) Xeomin blocks the nerve electrical impulse to muscle cells. Xeomin contains no additives or proteins- just botulinum toxin type A.

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Why Does Skin Age And Wrinkle?
Aging skin and wrinkles result from a combination of many factors. It’s not just about cellular changes, collagen deletion, hormone loss, or damage caused by free radicals. The 11s – those vertical line that appear between your browns – result from muscle contractions.

When you concentrate, squint, or frown, the muscles between your brows contract, causing your skin to furrow and fold. After years of frequent contractions, those winkles can linger even after the muscles are at rest.


Xeomin is safe for use by anyone but it is suggested to consult with a physician before use to identify if the user if hypersensitive to any component of the formulation. It is not advisable to use Xeomin on individuals who have a muscle activity disorder, bleeding disorder, using or likely to use aminoglycoside antibiotics or spectinomycin and pregnant or lactating women. 
Common indications for treatment include:

● Frown lines 
● Forehead wrinkles 
● Crow's feet or laugh lines


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Who is a candidate for Xeomin?
You should consider Xeomin if you are an adult between the ages of 25 and 65 and suffer from moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles, especially those found in between the eyes, across the forehead, and the crows feet area. Additionally, if you symptoms of severe sweating or hyperhydrosis- including the armpits and palms of hands – Xeomin may be a viable treatment option for you.
What is the recovery time for Xeomin?
Patients should experience little to no recovery time after a Xeomin treatment, although it is recommended that patients refrain from exercise for a period of 24 hours following treatment. No dressings are required, and any swelling that may appear at the injection site usually disappear within 30 minutes.
Are there risks or side effects with Xeomin?
The most common side effect of Xeomin is tenderness and bruising at the injection sites, usually slight and temporary. Applying ice to the affected areas directly after the procedure can help to minimize these risks. Though unusual, some patients experience temporary headaches. This typically resolves within one week. Other rare complications can include heaviness of the brow region, and blepharoptosis (or drooping of the upper eyelid). You should not use Xeomin if you have a skin infection in the regional area, as it can exacerbate the condition. Additionally, if you have a history of a neurological disorder such as Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, ALS, or Myasthenia Gravis, this should be discussed with Dr. Vallecillos as special consideration is necessary prior to treatment with a neurotoxin.
How long do the results last?
Results from Xeomin injections will begin to show within 2-14 days after the procedu
re, and should last for up to 3-5 months. While additional injections of Xeomin may be necessary for optimal results, injection schedules are typically 90-120 days apart on average.
How does Xeomin differ from Botox Cosmetic and Dysport?
While Xeomin has basic molecular similarities with its contemporaries, Botox Cosmetic and Dysport, all of which are botulinum toxin type A, there are notable differences worth mentioning that have clinical implications. Unlike Botox Cosmetic and Dysport, Xeomin requires no refrigeration during storage in its freeze-dried state. This has clear advantages in terms of its storage and distribution.


The cost of a Xeomin treatment depends on the number of units used per area treated. The cost typically ranges from $10.00 to $14.00 per unit.

After the initial consultation, the Xeomin  treatment only takes approximately 15 minutes. Since there is no downtime, you can do it on your lunchtime and no one will know that you had it done. The results of the Xeomin treatment is not seen immediately and may take up to 2 weeks to see the final effect. Xeomin is not permanent. It lasts between 3-4 months on average but everyone is different.

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