Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Botox Cosmetics

Plastic Surgery is not simply about physical appearance. It is about the desire for a better quality of life, and feeling comfortable in your own body. How we feel about ourselves strongly impacts our lives. Positive distinctions in physical appearance can result in enhanced self-esteem and a boost in confidence.

In our society, the body aesthetic is becoming increasingly important for men and women alike, and cosmetic surgery provides a viable means of achieving greater attractiveness. Anyone considering plastic or cosmetic surgery knows how difficult it is to find a surgeon with the skill and experience you can trust.

Our Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Initial Consultation
Whatever the reason for choosing plastic surgery, it is very important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon with a good reputation. Pamela Lazakis RN will conduct an initial consultation and arrange a private and confidential consultation for you with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that specializes in the areas that you want addressed to discuss goals, understand risks and possible side effects. A consultation with the Plastic Surgeon will take approximately 30 minutes where he will explain the various surgical options available to you based on your expectations and goals. You will have time to discuss any questions and concerns you may have and, if you choose, the two of you can formulate a treatment plan that will allow you to achieve your desired outcome while maintaining safety as the highest priority.

Prior to undergoing any surgical procedure you must be properly assessed to ensure that you are healthy enough to safely undergo surgery. Our staff will provide you with an instruction booklet, the necessary forms to be completed, and will help you throughout the entire process.


Breast Augmentation
Breast implant surgery is one of the safest and most popular of cosmetic procedures. Fuller more aesthetically beautiful breasts can enhance your self confidence and help you meet your cosmetic goals. Breast augmentation surgery is ideal if you have experienced a loss in breast volume after pregnancy, wish to balance a difference in breast size, as a reconstructive technique following other breast surgeries, or if you feel your breast size is too small. Before you decide to undergo breast surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your plastic surgeon.

Breast Lift
Pregnancy, weight loss, breast-feeding, or the natural aging process can result in breasts losing their volume and appearing saggy. Breast lift surgery, or breast mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift and improve the fullness of the breast.

When you concentrate, squint, or frown, the muscles between your brows contract, causing your skin to furrow and fold. After years of frequent contractions, those winkles can linger even after the muscles are at rest.

Breast Reduction
Women with very large, drooping breasts may experience back and neck pain, skin irritation, skeletal deformities and breathing problems as a consequence of the extra weight. Unusually large breasts can also make a woman feel extremely self-conscious. Breast reduction surgery is type of breast augmentation cosmetic procedure designed to improve body proportions and relieve the symptoms related to overly large breasts.

Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia) helps to restore a more masculine and athletic appearance by removing excess fat from the chest area. Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by over-developed or enlarged breasts, common in men of all ages, which is the result of hormonal changes, heredity conditions, disease or the use of certain drugs. Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self confidence. This surgery reduces “male breasts” by removing excess fat in the chest area to restore a more masculine and athletic looking body.




Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck surgery helps to restore a firmer, flatter abdomen by removing any excess skin or fat. A tummy tuck is designed to give you a slimmer and trimmer profile by smoothing your stomach and restoring a flatter, firmer, more contoured abdomen through the removal of excess skin and fat.

For many people, genetics, weight gain, or pregnancy can cause the muscles and skin of the abdomen to stretch permanently. Dieting and exercise will not help restore the muscle and skin to a more flat and contoured appearance. Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at correcting the appearance of excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. If you are self-conscious about unsightly stretch marks or sagging skin caused by weight loss, pregnancy, or lower abdominal surgery, then this procedure may be for you.

Liposuction offers safe and effective removal and sculpting of excess fat to create a slimmer, shapelier figure. Liposuction is an excellent way to achieve a better-proportioned body allowing clothing to fit properly as well as improving body shape and confidence. Common treatment areas include hips, abdomen, flanks, “double chin” and neck. Modern liposuction surgery offers a safe and dependable method of removing unwanted fat and improving body contour.

Pregnancy, weight loss, breast-feeding, or the natural aging process can result in breasts losing their volume and appearing saggy. Breast lift surgery, or breast mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift and improve the fullness of the breast.

Liposuction surgery is not a substitute for weight reduction, but a method of removing localized fat that doesn’t respond to dieting and exercise. The best candidates for liposuction are of normal weight with localized areas of excess fat, for example, in the buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Liposuction surgery can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

Brazilian Butt-Lift
Buttock augmentation surgery, sometimes referred to as a Brazilian butt lift when fat transfer is involved, uses implants, fat grafting or sometimes a combination of both to increase the size of your buttocks. This procedure can increase fullness, roundness and projection of your buttock.

Buttock augmentation surgery is right for someone who does not like the shape of their buttock or is looking to balance their body. It is commonly performed in one of two ways, with implants or fat transfer. The fat transfer procedure is commonly known as a "Brazilian butt lift."

Lower Body-Lift
Dramatic weight loss, weight fluctuation or natural aging frequently results in sagging skin in areas below the waistline. Lower-body-lift surgery tightens and sculpts the buttocks, back of the thighs, outer thighs, inner thighs, hips and abdomen. Loose skin that looks aesthetically displeasing or causes mobility restrictions is removed. A lower body lift is appropriate if you are near your ideal weight and may precede or follow an upper body lift procedure. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful lower-body-lift surgery and are pleased with the results.

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward, tighten and smoorthes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm, and reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region. Fluctuations in weight, growing older, and heredity can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. This is a condition that cannot be corrected through exercise.

Arm lift surgery may be right for you if the underside of your upper arms are sagging or appear loose and full due to excess skin and fat.


Face Lift
A facelift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The surgery varies in range from minimally invasive ‘lunchtime lifts’ to more extensive, sophisticated surgery. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle and redrapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct midface sagging, marionette lines, jowls and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and are pleased with the results.

Rhinoplasty enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.

Rhinoplasty surgery can change nose size in relation to facial balance, nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils, nose profile with visible humprs or depressions on the bridge and nostrils that are large, wide or upturned.

Eyelid surgery improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.

Chin Augmentation
Chin surgery, or mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone. Many times a plastic surgeon may recommend chin surgery to a patient having rhinoplasty in order to achieve facial proportion, as the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose. Chin surgery helps provide a harmonious balance to your facial features so that you feel better about the way you look.

Neck Lift
A neck lift is a procedure to rejuvenate the area around the neck and restore a youthful contour. It can be done alone, or as a part of a facelift. The common problems in the neck are excess skin, and bands or "Turkey neck". Excess skin must be removed in order to tighten, and this is done by incisions beside the lower part of the earlobe, behind the ear, and into the hair behind the ears. Often, another small incision needs to be made just under the chin to address skin excess and muscle problems close to the middle of the neck.

Hand Surgery
Hands are one of the first places where the telltale signs of aging become apparent. Even if you have taken steps to keep your face and neck looking youthful, sun-damaged, veiny, wrinkled hands can make you look older than you are. There are a number of effective techniques to rejuvenate your hands, improving the quality and texture of your skin, while decreasing the wrinkling and prominent veins.

Mole Removal (Non-OHIP)

Skin Lesion Removal (Non-OHIP)